The Westbrook Trust


  1. News
  2. Kent and Medway Healthy Workplace Gold Award

Kent and Medway Healthy Workplace Gold Award

2 February 2024 (by Oliver Allen (oallen))

Congratulations to all of our schools for achieving the Kent and Medway Healthy Workplace Gold Award.

Following a review of evidence submitted linked to our Wellbeing Strategy and surveying our staff; it was agreed between the assessors that each school has been awarded Gold having completed 31 pledges since their Bronze award in March 2021.

The assessors noted in their report:

Having conducted the assessment process rigorously, we conclude that The Westbrook Trust has achieved Gold for the Medway Workplace Wellbeing Award. Receiving this award is a great achievement and highlights that the site is making good progress in the areas of staff health and wellbeing.